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Common Questions

What is the HEX Fee?
At HEX, our primary objective is to optimize capital procurement costs. In the current landscape, we understand that there are challenges such as double markups and excessive fees, which can lead to healthcare facilities receiving unexpectedly high invoices. However, our platform addresses these concerns by providing a transparent and upfront breakdown of all fees, ensuring complete clarity. Our commitment to transparency empowers healthcare facilities to make informed decisions, allowing for more efficient and cost-effective capital procurement processes.
What type of healthcare facilities are eligible to use HEX?
Elevate your healthcare facility with HEX! From ASCs to private practices, we've got you covered. Join HEX for unparalleled support today!
What type of equipment suppliers are eligible to use HEX?
Experience HEX: where fairness drives success. Our platform promotes healthy supplier competition, leveling the playing field for project proposals. Suppliers are valued partners, while healthcare facilities gain diverse options. Join HEX for innovation, quality, and thriving partnerships.
How do you ensure quality of product?
Quality is paramount at HEX. Our stringent supplier standards guarantee reliability. We actively track performance metrics and KPIs to ensure unwavering excellence. Choose HEX for uncompromising quality assurance.